16 overrated things

Originally posted on Lucky Otters Haven:
1. Facebook. Your boss or your potential boss can spy on you and make character judgments based on what your updates say or what your photographs look like. Family members and old classmates you’d rather have nothing to do with can find you here. Companies can profile you and…

Mrs Middleton, the Witch: Attitudes towards the Elderly in George IV’s England

Originally posted on Criminal Historian:
Sir Richard Birnie In October 1821, at Bow Street police office, the police magistrate, Sir Richard Birnie, called the defendants in a peace charge before him, one by one. “William Grant, labourer?” he called first, and was shocked when a red-haired, eight-year-old boy answered. Another ten names were called, each…

Kill the witch!: murder and superstition in a Victorian village

Originally posted on Criminal Historian:
An appropriate post for Hallowe’en… Witchcraft is most commonly associated with the seventeenth century – the era of James II and his obsession with witches, and Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder-General. Yet in rural areas, even in the late nineteenth century, the association of elderly women with witchcraft persisted, and could – and did…

Women’s rights get out and vote !!!!! We owe it to those that fought to give us this right and those that will go after us.

via Gale Ann Molinari. Our right to vote is thanks to the 19th Amendment signed in 1920 but other women had to wait much longer. In 1948 voting rights for women were introduced into international law by the United Nations Human Rights Commission. It was led by the elected chair Eleanor Roosevelt. It was adopted… Continue reading Women’s rights get out and vote !!!!! We owe it to those that fought to give us this right and those that will go after us.