Seven Deadly sins – Greed

Ah yes the sin of Greed. A life spent gaining things that eventually will be thrown away, broken, burned up or otherwise disposed of. People that are made close only because they feed your need to be all important. Others to be used and discarded in favor of those that can further your path. How… Continue reading Seven Deadly sins – Greed

Seven deadly sins – Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Wrath and Envy

Occurred to me that the things I have been posting are really about all of these. Greed – Mine all mine all about me. Let me take what I want whether or not it is mine. Never satisfied with what they have. Lust – Sexting, cheating, perverted love just for the sake of sex and… Continue reading Seven deadly sins – Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Wrath and Envy

Seven deadly sins Jealousy is it worth it?

To just expand a bit on my last post Sexting is it Cheating. Do you think Jealousy is a useful or useless emotion? It causes some really destructive behavior, it can destroy friendships and relationships. When a person isn’t happy in their relationship or their situation in life people look to find a reason. Your… Continue reading Seven deadly sins Jealousy is it worth it?