Yes I am still here but the play is ended.

The masks are off, the play is done. Players drifted off and right has won. I have no time nor inclination For false refutes and indignation. So what is left is left behind The play itself begins to unwind. The audience drifted away Empty theater and empty minds hold sway.

Black Heart

She had a black heart, Black as coal. Cold as a moonless winter. Wrapped it around her victims, Strangled them left them for dead. But they rose up Sent her an evil lover To wrap his dark mind around hers, Rip out what was left of her black heart. and he left her as a… Continue reading Black Heart

Nothing but a ghost

No heart has she, Her soul is blank. Empty as the sea, dark and rank. She lives in misery, In swamps of hate. There is no mystery, of her soulless state. She sucks the life leaves nothing but venom. Twists the knife Into her victim. Yet the joke you see is on her Who she… Continue reading Nothing but a ghost

Shattered mind

Her break with reality is complete Her mind has met defeat. She skitters to and fro Nowhere to go But down and down Into the abyss Where all is amiss. Shattered mind, empty soul Destroys her role As lover so divine Vixen so sublime. You see she looked too close Saw the future as it… Continue reading Shattered mind

Green Eyed Monster

It grabs you silently by the heart Gives you a sudden start. Fending off yet another Possible, maybe lover. Sexting, email all are suspect Loss of all your own self-respect. Chase them down give them misery Such is your sad history. Look in the mirror long and hard Shatter your love shard by shard. Can’t… Continue reading Green Eyed Monster


I wonder what it is about social media that brings out the exhibitionist in some people. It can really become cringe worthy after awhile. So here is my rant about how much is too much to post. Profile pictures seem to be just everything. I saw one with two men’s bare rear ends on a… Continue reading Exhibitionist

Sociopathic Lying Pseudologia Fantastica and Mythomania

In psychiatry, pathological lying (also called compulsive lying, pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Pathological lying has been defined as “falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may… Continue reading Sociopathic Lying Pseudologia Fantastica and Mythomania

Mad you say? But aren’t we all???

We all have our own little quirks but can usually work within society without a problem. There are some though that have extreme personality disorders. Seems that Narcissism has been the theme of late so I decided to look into the differences between Narcissists, Sociopaths and Borderline Personality Disorder and discovered some interesting things. Narcissists… Continue reading Mad you say? But aren’t we all???

Seven deadly sins – Pride favorite of the Narcissist.

PRIDE Yes the sin of PRIDE. How many people have fallen victim to that? We all do now and then and it can be very costly. If you love yourself over everyone else how can anyone be good enough? How can you have any kind of normal relationship? I have posted before about Narcissism and… Continue reading Seven deadly sins – Pride favorite of the Narcissist.