The Charming Narcissist

It is hard to believe how well a Narcissist or Sociopath can fool people. It happened to me and several others. The woman was amazing. Funny, smart and really pretty. Each one of us thought we had found our best friend. Individually she groomed us. Made us feel special and important. The thing with a… Continue reading The Charming Narcissist

Fly free from emotional abuse

Emotional abuse is never ok. It can leave scars much deeper than any fist hitting flesh. The wounds are carried in the mind, heart and soul. People who are sensitive and caring are usually the victims. They are easy to manipulate because they really care about others. It often starts with the perpetrator putting the… Continue reading Fly free from emotional abuse

Vanity a cautionary tale

In our youth we depend on our looks to attract a mate. We primp and polish and pose. Some never get beyond that stage. Most of us come to the realization eventually that there is more to life than that. The narcissist never does. When they look in the mirror they don’t see reality they… Continue reading Vanity a cautionary tale

Mae West had it right

No woman should put a man above her men and women should be partners nobody should be “in charge”. Narcissists look for women that don’t value themselves and need a man to make them feel complete. Men who don’t value themselves or have had narcissistic mothers will look for those very traits in a woman… Continue reading Mae West had it right

Narcissism or just selfishness???

So we have talked a lot about the narcissist but how do you tell the difference between a really selfish person and a narcissist?? In a narcissist there just is no one else unless they are there to gratify the narcissists grandiose view of herself or himself. Others are just tools. From biological studies it… Continue reading Narcissism or just selfishness???