The Charming Narcissist

It is hard to believe how well a Narcissist or Sociopath can fool people. It happened to me and several others. The woman was amazing. Funny, smart and really pretty. Each one of us thought we had found our best friend. Individually she groomed us. Made us feel special and important. The thing with a… Continue reading The Charming Narcissist

Why don’t they see the truth.

A sociopath and a narcissist are masters at acting. When they are reeling you in you are the most wonderful, smartest gorgeous thing they have ever known. They live for your every breath, they are your slave. Whether they are a friend or lover they are the absolute best there is. Of course they are… Continue reading Why don’t they see the truth.

You can stop bullying

Bullying of any kind is wrong but why do people do it? We all say we are against it but how many of you out there have said an unkind word about someone else? Why did you? All of us are guilty of bullying or being unkind sometime in our lives. If you gossip about… Continue reading You can stop bullying

The brain

    Ah the brain, magnificent functioning machine of man. Having discussed different mental disorders in this blog I thought I would delve into where it is all happening. The mysterious brain. From Web MD The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body. It is made up of… Continue reading The brain

Victims of sociopathic personalities

Victims of sociopathic and psychopathic personalities have a lot in common. Usually these are naive people. The young, elderly, lonely are their prey. Also among those hunted are the kind hearted rescuers that need to help. They ride in on their white horse never knowing that the maiden in distress is a a troll in… Continue reading Victims of sociopathic personalities


I wonder what it is about social media that brings out the exhibitionist in some people. It can really become cringe worthy after awhile. So here is my rant about how much is too much to post. Profile pictures seem to be just everything. I saw one with two men’s bare rear ends on a… Continue reading Exhibitionist

Sociopathic Lying Pseudologia Fantastica and Mythomania

In psychiatry, pathological lying (also called compulsive lying, pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Pathological lying has been defined as “falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may… Continue reading Sociopathic Lying Pseudologia Fantastica and Mythomania

Ignoring a narcissist. The best revenge. This is an excellent article. I just had my narcissist-victim-stalker attack me on a blog yet once again. Stupidly I thought my pictures on Facebook were safe I did do them to friends only. Well one of those friends must not be a friend because there low and behold on her blog is a… Continue reading Ignoring a narcissist. The best revenge.

Constructive and Destructive Anger

Anger as an emotion can be both constructive and destructive. When it is constructive it can spur us into motion make us prove the other person wrong, defend the victim or rise up to attack injustice. When it is destructive it can be a very damaging force to both the the person and the target… Continue reading Constructive and Destructive Anger