Fantasy Land


Doing the research on this blog made me start thinking about people that live in a Fantasy Land. Fantasists are in the Narcissist, Sociopath and even the Borderline Personality. It made me wonder why even when these people are shown that their ideas are just not probable or even possible they still cling to them. Fantastic ideas become their entire world as real as unicorns and pixies these ideas become fact to them. Why? What kind of mind is it that cannot see reality? Well low and behold there is a mental condition for that too!


This is a personality in which a person has a lifelong extensive involvement in fantasy. It can also be described as an “overactive imagination”. Someone with this trait is termed a “fantasizer”.  They often have difficulty in differentiating between fantasy and reality. They may also have other self-suggested psychosomatic symptoms. This can also be a trait of the Narcissist as they live in their own world constructed and ruled by them.

They may have dissaociation and sexual fantasies. People with FPP are reported to spend over half their time fantasizing or daydreaming. They often mix these fantasies with real memories.


1. Excellent hypnotic subject (most but not always)

2. having imaginary childhood friends

3. often fantasizing in childhood

4. having a fantasy identity

5. experiencing imagined sensations as real

6. vivid sensory perceptions

7. reputed paranormal experiences (claiming psychic powers, encountering apparitions,being able to cast spells, having out of body experiences and other like events)

8. mystical experiences

9. believe they have special powers

10. Hypnotic hallucinations (waking dreams)

11. receiving sexual satisfaction without physical stimulation

The childhood is often spent in fantasy with dolls etc being perceived as real and encouraged by adults in the child’s life.

Some of the implications of this personality are:

1. false pregnancy

2. Maladaptive daydreaming

3. Parapsychology

I found this extremely interesting and it explains a lot about the Narcissistic preoccupation with self. Perhaps it will help explain why they cannot see beyond themselves. They live in a fantasy world only occupied with themselves and their perceptions. Reality seldom comes into it.



By Gale A. Molinari

Sharing my views on just about everything that enters my mind. Fasten your seatbelts it is going to be a bumpy ride. I am just a lady of a certain age somewhere between the dinosaurs and stalactites. Musing over lessons learned and sharing those with others. I really am interested in your views on what I write so fire away and thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. this is my poetry blog perhaps you would enjoy that too!!


  1. Very interesting observations… and yes, I agree. It is so sad, really. But their fantasy world is, to them, as real as the real world is to the rest of us “normal” folk. However, I was starting to get a little worried in that list of characteristics, having branched out into several fantasy alteregos on my own blog. But then, perhaps blogging is in itself a form of narcissism. I don’t plan on world domination or anything, though. So maybe I’m still safe… hahaha! Great article.

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